Sunday, 28 April 2013

Hot water

Long hot showers are so relaxing but also so refreshing. I feel alive. I can see why water is so integrated to religion, especially looking back to times where people didn't have the cleaning facilities we have now. Almost as good is when I am on holiday, somewhere hot, in the pool and it starts to rain. Warm rain. It's one of lifes simple pleasures. A moment of pure relaxation away from any worries or problems.

Ice cream

The world needs more ice cream. It makes everything better. On a basic level it satisfies your bodies cravings when you are tired, ill, hungover. But better still is the way it tastes, the way it melts, the texture in your mouth. Especially good was the ice cream in Milan, the Cheshire ice cream farm is pretty amazing too!

Saturday, 20 April 2013

Flower power

Romance is the little things day to day. Not grand gestures. A record bought is as precious as gold. Making someone smile takes more than diamonds.

Sunday, 14 April 2013

Push boundaries

If im not making mistakes them im not pushing myself hard enough. I dont like making mistakes, but I make enough. If I dont learn from them then that makes average.


What happens to the creativity and quirkiness of people in college? A few years into work and most seem content as part of the machine. Being bored stifles creativity when as a child boredom stimulates creativity. And it is also killed by self doubt.

Sunday, 7 April 2013

Evil money

I dont empathise with evil money moaning. Would u rather be back in the stone age? Instead of complaining can u think of a better way to reward talent? I prefer your tale of what you have to your moan at what you havent.

Tuesday, 2 April 2013


Confidence for me is a daily struggle, I dont want to feel like I just exist. I've misplaced my relaxed look on life and I want it back. This is my meditations. I will regain my focus on the goal without neediness or expectation.

Monday, 1 April 2013

Lets just be friends

Is it better to prove to you or myself that im not insane?
It's my choice to want something deeper. It may be a temporary fix to be with you so im saving myself from the pain. I cant predict the future and the time it would take to find out is too big a risk. Looks arent everything though my friends will never know the reason so I cant blame them for pushing me to you.